What Eva’s Thinking
Eva’s Hair Loss Blog
Eva’s ‘blog spot’ provides a platform to share her thoughts and knowledge across of variety of areas and themes, often pinned to topical campaigns and events.
Whether Eva’s writing about menopause matters, Alopecia Awareness Week or how seasonal changes can affect hair and scalp health, Eva is dedicated to educating and advising on every aspect of trichology.
Endometriosis and Hair Shedding
Endometriosis and hair shedding March 2025 is Endometriosis Awareness Month, which is a time dedicated to increasing understanding of a condition that affects around 1.5 million people in the UK or 1 in 10 women. Here we speak to Consultant Trichologist Eva...
Can stress lead to hair loss and thinning?
Here Consultant Trichologist EVA PROUDMAN FIT IAT of UKhairconsultants.com explains: “There’s little doubt about the impact of stress on hair loss and many of my patients report ‘feeling stressed’ when they first come into Clinic. Any number of unfortunate life events...
Announcing the Lymington Clinic
“You asked and we listened”; Eva announces the launch of another new clinic in Lymington following regular requests from patients wanting consultations ‘closer to home’. “The Hair Loss Clinic is on the road!” That’s the exciting news from our leading Consultant...
EVA WELCOMES THE PUBLICATION OF A PEER-REVIEWED PROJECT WHICH DEMONSTRATES THE BENEFITS OF COLLAGEN ON HAIR HEALTH Having worked as the expert trichologist on an unique, independent study (facilitated by the internationally-acclaimed product testing house, Princeton...
Weight Loss Drugs & Hair
Weight Loss drugs & Hair? As the popularity of weight loss drugs continue to soar, how can you protect your crowning glory if you’re trying the latest ‘big pharma’ weight loss approach? Appetite-suppressing medications have revolutionised the way many approach...
Is it bad to sleep on wet hair?
TikTok has recently been awash with a viral debate around the issue of whether sleeping with wet hair causes ‘hair mould’. Several Influencers have suggested that without air-drying your newly washed hair completely before going to bed, it can lead mould to grow on...
With the change of season upon us, and autumn vibes ‘falling’ into our wardrobe and overall style palette, now’s the perfect time to give your brushes and bristles a fabulous freshen up to get your hair hygiene in tip top shape for winter! Eva’s often asked about when...
Don’t throw shade on your greys
This month, Eva was invited to share her expert insight with British GQ magazine as part of feature looking at “why guys go grey”. So, here, Eva explains in more detail some of the key factors behind the much misunderstood greying process: “As we age, melanocytes...
Dry Shampoo
With festival and camping season upon us, Eva Proudman FIT IAT, discusses the pros and cons of using dry shampoo….. “Where dry shampoos used to be used in an emergency only, covering-up greasy roots when you’re running too late to wash and dry your hair or after a...
Eva Proudman FIT IAT announces the launch of two new clinics in the North of England
“You asked and we listened”; Eva announces the launch of two new clinics in the North of England following regular requests from patients wanting consultations ‘closer to home’. “The Hair Loss Clinic is on the road!” That’s the exciting news from our leading...